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Tuesday, April 24, 2007


The "lumberjack" Middle Brother

It's a mystery to me how you can be so good at pissing me off at times, and then so good at making me cry at others. The pissed off part hasn't happened recently, but you made me cry today. Not even sure why. Maybe the sweet memories of Pville I have myself. Maybe the pictures of my wedding did me in. For sure the Mamaw/Rich post helped (and does every time I read it). Or maybe it was just the fact that I've had a really hard week so far, and thinking about sweet people and times just really was good medicine.

Most of all, I think it was just the fact that you just know how to put things into words pretty damn well. Thanks bubba.

The Youngest, yet Baldest Brother

Well said as always. I cried, too. No surprise I'm sure.

However, I was a bit bothered by something. It was nothing in your writing. It was the fact that somehow Mom's wearing a Christmas tree on her sweater vest in November. And no one protested.

pepe guzman

i didn't cry, for the record.

i am glad that you posted an explanation to the banner above; i've assumed now for a while that what i was reading etched into the old paint was: Lard and Jesus what a team.

to which i just snorted and said, "you don't have to tell me"

it felt like Alabama to me, the part about lard and jesus. their jesus (the one from alabama) would have to be all about deep fried menu items -- especially gizzards i'm afraid.

i assumed this was from the deep south commemorating the deep fried; i am being quite serious and i am glad that i am very wrong about it all

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